A.G.M 2024

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Held On Friday July 12th 2024

1- Club Chairpersons Report 2023-2024

Brian gave a report highlighting the events and growth of the Club during his tenure as Club Chair. From his initial year in 2012 the Club was operating with 9 teams at Wilmere Lane with almost everything at the behest of Halton Borough Council from cutting the grass, opening the toilets and the changing rooms.

Everyone can witness the improvements and the additions to the site which must have us as the envy of all sport clubs in the North West.

Playing numbers and volunteer numbers continue to grow with the additions of the football and girl sections all improving the Club brand.

Brian thanked everyone for their support over the past 12 years but although remaining at Club will see him become involved in other aspects of the Club.

Brian was the given a round of applause in appreciation of his loyalty to the Club.

Bren was then given a round of applause to thank him for taking over the demanding role of Club Chair.

2- Head Of Finance Report

Brian gave a detailed technical report in regard’s to the Club finances. There were no draft accounts. Once these are complete they will be issued.

We have had to restructure due to CASC and HMRC requirements. We have received favourable business and water rates due to the restructuring.

Without the inclusion of subs we are operating with over six figure sums.

3- Available positions for Executive Team Officers for July 2024 onwards

Club Chair : One nomination received – Bren Houghton

Bren will be the new Club Chair.

Club Secretary :One nomination received – Paul Martin

Will remain in current office position.

Head Of Finance : One nomination received.- Jimmy Dodd.

Will remain in current office position.

Assistant to the Head Of Finance : One nomination received – Kevin Brown

Will remain in current office position.

With Brian standing down as Club Chair the ET Officers have chosen Brian to become the new Club Vice Chair to act as a mentor to Bren to assist in him settling down in what is a very busy role.

Any individual concerns should in the first instance should be addressed to the head of a particular section followed by the Club Chair,,then Paul and then lan. Please ensure the parents of your respective teams follow the revised contact process. 

Brian remains at Club but with an adjusted focus. 

4- Amendments to the Club Constitution

No amendments received.

5- Resolutions to the Club Constitution

No resolutions received.

6- Amendments to the Club Rules and Bye Laws

No amendments received.

7- Resolutions to the Club Rules and Bye Laws

No resolutions received.

8- Amendments to the Club Disciplinary Procedures

No amendments were received.

9- Resolutions to the Club Disciplinary Procedures

No resolutions were received.

*AGM 2025– FRIDAY  JULY 11TH – 7.00pm start