Little Stingers Graduation 2024
Little Stingers 2024
What a great year of Little stingers 🖤💚❤️🐝🏉
As always the kids have been amazing and I know we all feel blessed to help out and be a little part of their journey.
Thank you to all you wonderful humans for making the effort to get the kids there over the last 20+ Saturday mornings. There’s a great culture of support and help amongst all the parents that really makes the environment on a Saturday morning second to none.
Massive thank you to our amazing volunteers and coaches👏 without these guys none of this would be possible. There’s a whole host of things these guys sort out behind the scenes and the enthusiasm they show each weeks is amazing.
Thanks to Sharon our photographer for making sure we get to keep these moments 📸
Last but not least well done to our amazing little stingers superstars. Such an amazing bunch who bring smiles and joy to wilmere every Saturday. They’re all superstars 🌟
Well be back bigger and better 2025💪🖤💚❤️🐝🏉
Check out the photos from the session, graduation and colour run 👏
Little Stingers Session 10th September 2024
Little Stingers 31.8.24
Another fun filled morning spent with our amazing Superstars!
Only one more Saturday morning session left which will end with the Little Stingers Graduation ceremony, celebrating the fantastic season we’ve had this year with our Little Stingers!
Huge thanks to all our volunteers and sponsors who make this all possible!
#littlestingers #stingo #griffo #haltonfarnworthhornets #oneclub #onevision
Little Stingers On Tour July 24
How good are our Little Stingers 💪
Super super proud of how they all represented our club on Sunday. We hope they all had a lovely time and enjoyed the session and the Vikings game.
Every year we’ve done this the Vikings have Won so we’re definitely a lucky charm 🍀 it’s either that or the Vikings have been watching our Little Stingers and getting tips👀
Thanks everyone and see you all next Saturday at Wilmere Lane 9:45 🖤💚❤️🏉🐝
Little Stingers On Tour June 24
Last Saturday we took our amazing Little Stingers on tour to the Halton 50th Celebrations. 🐝
It gave us the opportunity to showcase how fantastic our Superstars really are! 💪
Huge thanks to all the coaches, volunteers and parents for making this another memorial moment for our Little Stingers!
Check out these brilliant photos from our No1 photography Sharon ❤️
#littlestingers #ontour #halton50celebration #haltonfarnworthhornets #oneclub #onevision
Little Stingers 4.5.24
Little Stingers Graduation 2023
Well that was officially a wrap for our Little Stingers 2023. What an absolute fantastic year its been with over 270 kids registering for our Free sessions every Saturday morning.
Following the training session all our Little Stingers were awarded their graduation certificate and treated to a colour run!
All of this wouldn’t be possible without our team of volunteers, who gave up their time and effort to make it such a success, thank you all from everyone at Halton Farnworth Hornets!
Special mention to all our Sponsors as well…
Mecon Ltd
NWH Landscapes Ltd
Custom UPVC
Widnes Eats
Daisy First Aid
We’ll see you all next year, bigger and better!
#littlestingers #haltonfarnworthhornets #oneclub #onevision